About our gym

Escondido, CA
The Tabernacle Gym was slowly created by friends who have a passion for fitness. The gym is growing as new equipment continues to flow in making the workouts challenging and yes, fun. These are high intensity, constantly varied, functional movement workouts designed to push you to a whole new level of fitness. It doesn't matter if your just beginning your fitness regimen or have been training for years. All the workouts are scaleable to your individual skill and fitness level. "Anyone can finish. WE finish strong!" 3...2...1...GO!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Prison Yard Push & Pull

100 Bench Press (135#)
100 Pull Ups

You must complete all reps of one exercise before continuing on to the next. Here is Mike crushing it!

Remember, motivation MUST come from within. There may be outside stimuli that assist with motivation (goals), ie: competition, weight loss, emotion control, etc. Those are all good to assist you with reaching your goal, but the motivation, ultimately, must come from within. Occasional nudges from the coaching staff, loved ones, or whoever are sometimes needed at all levels of training. I understand that and am willing to assist. If you truly want to get fit, YOU'LL make it happen, despite the excuse.


Anonymous said...

I think I loaded my drawers on that rep.

Anonymous said...

That sucks , my arms and sholders are desTROYed .