About our gym

Escondido, CA
The Tabernacle Gym was slowly created by friends who have a passion for fitness. The gym is growing as new equipment continues to flow in making the workouts challenging and yes, fun. These are high intensity, constantly varied, functional movement workouts designed to push you to a whole new level of fitness. It doesn't matter if your just beginning your fitness regimen or have been training for years. All the workouts are scaleable to your individual skill and fitness level. "Anyone can finish. WE finish strong!" 3...2...1...GO!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Death By Press

Do 1 set the 1st minute, 2 sets the 2nd minute, etc, until you can't do all the reps in the minute provided. Then, back off 2-3 sets and continue for another 5 minutes.

1-Shoulder press

1-Push press

1 Push jerk

1 comment:

The Tabernacle Gym said...

Hey guys and gals, I appreciate you letting me know when you arn't going to show, but PLEASE, don't send me those texts until at least 0800 hrs. Remember, that is my call out pager and I have to wake up to see it, but the issue lies in the fact I work late and don't wake up as early as you all do. Please respect this.