About our gym

Escondido, CA
The Tabernacle Gym was slowly created by friends who have a passion for fitness. The gym is growing as new equipment continues to flow in making the workouts challenging and yes, fun. These are high intensity, constantly varied, functional movement workouts designed to push you to a whole new level of fitness. It doesn't matter if your just beginning your fitness regimen or have been training for years. All the workouts are scaleable to your individual skill and fitness level. "Anyone can finish. WE finish strong!" 3...2...1...GO!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cold Zero

10 rounds with a partner:

100 m
Push Ups

While your partner is running the 100 m, you'll be cranking out as many push ups as you can. When your partner returns, they'll take over the push ups and you go for a run. Continue counting the push ups where your partner left off. The goal is to get in as many push ups as possible collectively and still get a fast time. Each person must complete 10 rounds each.

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