The Tabernacle Gym was slowly created by friends who have a passion for fitness. The gym is growing as new equipment continues to flow in making the workouts challenging and yes, fun. These are high intensity, constantly varied, functional movement workouts designed to push you to a whole new level of fitness. It doesn't matter if your just beginning your fitness regimen or have been training for years. All the workouts are scaleable to your individual skill and fitness level. "Anyone can finish. WE finish strong!" 3...2...1...GO!
The Tabernacle Gym has officially CLOSED. Today, 03/12/11, was the last group workout. The blog will continue to post workouts through the end of March, but no new posts will go up after that. I will revisit the idea of opening up again at a later date if there is enough interest, but for now, it is CLOSED. Thanks to those who made this gym into what it was for the last 3 years.
That was a stimulus ? I felt like I just got taxed up the butt on that one . Thanks TAB , please don't run for gov or anything . LJ 14:00
Governer? Hmmmmm...
'Dictator , more like it .
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